Wednesday, April 1, 2009


This past weekend my mom and her husband came to visit! They were our first visitors in quite some time and we were so glad to have them here. I actually hadn't seen my mom since December - this could have been the longest I have ever gone. Anyway, we had a blast with them here, lots of laughs, even some tears and Jeff and I really enjoyed having them experience all that California had to offer.

First, we took them to sushi. Which yes, was a new experience for them (I sometimes forget that they live in a town of 4,000 people, with the closest city 2 hours away). My mom was pretty nervous to try sushi, she hears that word and thinks raw fish, but I explained that there are cooked options and the rolls are great. She loved all of it! Other local California hot spots that we made them eat at - Pinkberry, In-And-Out, Sprinkles, and the farmers market at The Grove. Outside of eating (which we did do a lot of) we showed them some hot spots as well - 3rd Street Promenade, the Farmers Market and the Pier (yes we rode the ferris wheel) in Santa Monica and Rodeo Drive. We also took them to our church on Sunday and hit up the links on the golf course that we live on. I am extremely sore from golfing by the way, hadn't gone in about 8 months. Oh, and my mom and I did a little bit of shopping along the way. She bought me a new dress from White House Black Market, can't wait to wear it!

It was absolutely wonderful to spend time with my mom and her hubby. They were great guests and we can't wait to have them back. My mom and I talk on the phone nearly everyday, but it's just not the same as actually spending time together. Maybe someday I will live close to my family again. But for now, I will just enjoy having visitors during my Life As A Wife.

1 comment:

lyndsey said...

sad! no pictures of mama sturgell? can't wait to see your new dress :)