Tuesday, April 28, 2009

The Best Parking Spot

As I was leaving the gym this morning I was walking through the parking lot and a car seriously started stalking me. It wasn't the creepy kind of stalking, it was the "I want your parking spot" kind of stalking. As soon as it started happening it made me chuckle, it reminded me of something that has always, and will always, make me laugh. Growing up I always remember my mom driving around the parking lot at the grocery store, the mall, anywhere we went, looking for the best parking spot. When I say best, I mean closest. Now, this seems to be a normal occurrence for most people. We all do it - I even do it - we spend 10 minutes driving around the parking lot looking for a close space. I understand, we want to be close (just like at a concert, the front row is the best) and we all figure it saves on time and it saves on walking distance by being closer. The thing that always cracked me up was this:

A) by the time you drive around the parking lot for 10 minutes looking for the perfect spot and then sit there waiting for someone to pull out, you could have already parked in the first available spot you saw, been in the store, got what you wanted and been back in your car to head home.

B) my mom, much like the gym-goer "parking lot stalking" me this morning, goes on 10 mile walks and works out! Why would walking those extra 20 yards into the grocery store be such a horrible thing?

Anyway, just wanted to share this random thought about parking lots and searching for the best parking spot. Just another day of "too much time on my hands" during my Life As A Wife.

1 comment:

lyndsey said...

lol. too much time on your hands? i dont think so. and why does everyone want the closest spot all the time? i like to walk. we don't parking lot-stalk people, we just park toward the back. not that i would object to getting a front-row spot :)