Wednesday, March 11, 2009

We Hit The One Year Mark

March 8 marked our one year anniversary! In light of recent travels to South Africa (that was our anniversary present to each other) we decided to keep the day pretty low key. We woke up and headed to Noah's Bagels for breakfast and then made our way to church. The service was about praying together - perfect for us on our anniversary, we were told in our marriage prep course that praying together is the ultimate way to take your marriage to the next level, but we haven't been very good about it, so a wonderful reminder on this momentous day. The funniest part was when the pastor decided to take a poll on what keeps people from praying together. Instead of a simple raise of hands like most would do, our high-tech church pastor asked us to whip out our cell phones and text in our answer - results posted up on the jumbotron and everything! So funny, loved it.

After church we hit up the Home Depot for some plants to fill in our poor garden that was lacking a little after the hard winter months (it wasn't really the Southern California winter that killed things off, it was my inability to water things regularly - better luck this time). After that we headed home for a relaxing day of watching college basketball and spending some quality time together. After the games we cooked up dinner and started up with the anniversary traditions. The first thing we did was pull out the top layer from our wedding cake for a little reminiscent taste. Yes, we had saved it in the freezer for the past year and intended to pull it out on this very special one year anniversary day and eat it up. We figured it was going to be horrible, but surprisingly, it was actually good. Well, at least the cake part of it was, the frosting tasted like straight up Crisco. We still have more if anyone wants some! Next was the tradition that I plan to carry on every year for the rest of our lives. I am completely stealing this idea from my cousin Jessy - thanks for the great idea Jessy! They say imitation is the sincerest form of flattery so hopefully she doesn't mind. Anyway, it's a great idea because what else is a girl going to to with the most expensive dress she will ever purchase that she can only wear once??? Anyway, every year on their anniversary Jessy puts on her wedding dress and takes a family picture. The first year it was her and her husband, the next year they had a dog (both those years the dress still totally fit), and then the third year she was like 7 months pregnant - hilarious, couldn't get it to zip up. Now the pictures has grown to include the hubby, pets and her two kids. So cute! Anyway, I put on my gorgeous gown and luckily it still fit. Yeah! Let's hope that trend continues. I am planning to keep a scrap book with these pictures in it, hopefully my kids will find it amusing some day.

I still can't believe how quickly the past year has flown by. Everyone says that the first year is the hardest, but for me it has been the best of my life. Jeff, I love you with all my heart, I thank the Lord for the past year we have spent together, and I look forward to spending the rest of my Life As YOUR Wife.


lyndsey said...

yay! happy anniversary! you look great in the dress...i look forward to seeing a similar pic for many years to come :)

Nicole B. said...

What a great tradition! I certainly didn't fit into my dress a year after my wedding...and haven't since =) Maybe someday??

BTW, thanks for your thoughts and prayers...they are always appreciated =)

Krista Stryker said...

Jessy is brilliant - I'm planning on stealing her dress idea too! You look beautiful in yours still, of course. And congrats on your anniversary! - Krista

Brian, Stacey and Shelby said...

Hey girl... I randomly came across your blog! It was nice to do a quick catch up on you, and your new hubby. Congrats on one year!! I love the tradition you started with your dress.. so cute! I think I may be a little late.. should've started 7 yrs ago!

We also have a blog, but it's private. If you are interested email me, and I'll add you to the invited list.

I'm so happy to see you are doing well. Looks like you have a fun life, full of adventure! :)

Take Care! Stacey