Saturday, March 7, 2009

A Beautiful South African Wedding

Ok, this is the last of my many South African blogs. The wonderful vacation culminated with the wedding of one of my best buddies, Melinda. Melinda met her groom, Chris, a few years back when she and I were working together in Portland. Not only did Melinda and I work together, but we shared an office, carpooled to work together and were actually roommates! Needless to say, we spent a lot of time together and became really close in a short amount of time. I was absolutely honored when she asked me to be a bridesmaid in her wedding and I knew I wouldn't miss the opportunity to travel to South Africa and be with her for her special day.

We arrived to Kenton-On-Sea, the cute little beach town where the wedding was to be held, late on Wednesday night. We were greeted by Melinda and Chris' friends and family and a feast of gemsbuck, kudu and lots of beer and wine! Oh, we knew we had come to the right place. The next day we all headed to the beach - the Indian Ocean beach mind you - to have a bbq (the boys actually went muscle digging right there that morning), relax and take in some rays. It was wonderful! Definitely some much needed R&R after all the exciting adventures Jeff and I had been on. It was so much fun to experience what life is like for Melinda down there and meet all of her new friends and family. Then came time for the actual wedding. Melinda was an absolutely beautiful bride and she did an amazing job coordinating and organizing her big day - it went off without a hitch. The ceremony was in this beautiful, a-frame church that was probably built in the 1800's, so nostalgic. After walking down the aisle I took my place in front and watched the matron of honor (the brides sister) coming toward me with a look of panic on her face, she took her place next to me and whispered "I don't have the ring!" Oh crap I thought, "where is it?" She said, in Melinda's purse and I thought, yes we are saved. I caught Jeff's attention in the pew and mouthed to him, "we don't have the ring, it's in our car, in Melinda's purse, go get it and hurry!" He slipped out the side door and returned victoriously within minutes. A quick slip of the hand to Natalie (the other bridesmaid), who then passed it to me and I handed it discretely to funny! No one ever knew. We all hit the reception, that was at a venue over looking the mouth of a river into the Indian Ocean, and the bridal party headed to the beach for an amazing photo session. The pictures are going to be amazing, I can't wait to see them. The reception was a blast, filled with lots of great people, amazing food, lots of dancing (which we all know I was on the dance floor the entire night) and flowing beverages. The only real difference I noticed regarding traditions was that it is customary to have a friend or family member serve as the master of ceremony (MC) for the reception. Melinda and Chris selected a friend that did an amazing job - he ran the show like a pro and his speech was awesome! Actually all the speeches were great. The best part was that of the 125 guests only 11 of us were from the states and we tried our best to represent! There were a few "U.S.A...U.S.A...U.S.A" chants throughout the night and any song that mentioned America was screamed at the top of our lungs! I had never felt so patriotic.

Melinda and Chris - congratulations! Your wedding was beautiful and we were so honored to be there and celebrate with you. You have created a lifetime of memories for Jeff and I and we can't wait to make the trip back to South Africa someday. A great wedding, a wonderful vacation and memories that will last the rest of my Life As A Wife.

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