Just preparing to write this blog made my adrenalin start pumping! While we were researching things to do during our vacation, my husband came along a website that mentioned the world's longest commercial bungee jump is in South Africa. Upon further research, we found out that we would be driving right past it - or more so, right over it! The Bloukrans Bridge over Storms River is home to the Guinness Book of World Records longest commercial bungee jump - 210 meters, or for those of you like myself who don't know the metric system that is 708 feet! Yeah, pretty much a long way down. We left America with every intention to conquer that bungee, it was on our agenda, we were stoked.

The morning of the big day I woke up super excited and I became more and more excited the entire drive there. That is until we arrived. The second we saw the sign that it was the next exit my stomach dropped. But the stomach dropping didn't stop there. We walked out to the viewing area to watch other people attempting this great feat and my stomach dropped more and more, I felt nauseous. I had never been so nervous in my life and as I watched 1, 2, 3 people take the plunge and scream their guts out a part of me thought, "I can't do this. I think I am going to chicken out." Jeff and I started talking about whether or not we wanted to do it. He could tell I was nervous and I think

a part of him was a little apprehensive too. But we decided on this - if we didn't do it, we would regret for the rest of our lives. Plus, we had both told everyone back at home that we were going to do it so we knew if we didn't everyone would think we were pansies. The thing that got me though was when Jeff said, "JoLee, if your brothers were here right now they would so make fun of you if you don't do this." The second we decided "ok let's do it" I felt completely different. The adrenalin rushed through me and I had the biggest smile on my face - that feeling lasted for the next two hours while we waited for our turn and watched the rest of our group go before us.

Jeff went first and as I watched him get strapped in my excited grew. But, standing there watching the love of your life jump off a bridge is pretty nerve wracking. He succeeded! Then it was my turn. They strapped me up and helped me hop to the edge. As my toes hung over the edge of that perfectly good bridge I looked down and started to say outloud to the guys, "umm, I don't think I can do this..." and before I could finish they started counting "5, 4, 3, 2, 1 bungee!" I said to myself ok, well I guess I am really doing this, and I jumped. It was crazy. The free fall lasts about 4 seconds. The first two seconds I thought to myself, wow, this is beauftful, crazy, amazing and I can't believe I am doing this. But during second 3 and 4 I started picking up speed, 80 miles per hour, my cheeks started flapping in the wind and as the ground became closer and closer I started to think, "why did I do this, am I going to die?" And then the bungee streched and the rest of the ride was a blast! Oh, what an experience. We left there so excited and about 30 minutes later it was all we could do to keep our eyes open, we were completely drained from being on an adrenalin rush for 3 hours. I still can't believe I did the world's longest bungee jump during my
Life As A Wife.