Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Weddings Are Nearing A Close...Onto Baby Showers

As I have mentioned, weddings have been a huge part of my life over the past 10 years. Now, as the weddings are starting to come to a close, I am moving onto babyshowers. This weekend, I made the trip to Denver to attend the babyshower of one of my best friends from my hometown. I actually surprised her at the shower - I had to see in person that she was really pregnant - ha ha! Honestly, I am not certain that I have ever seen San hold a baby and now she is going to have her own! I love it. So the shower, in her non-traditional way, was only slightly different - it was coed. Conversation during the party was more typical of a neighborhood BBQ than a babyshower, but it was absolutely perfect for San and her husband, Dave. On a more traditional note, we played a few babyshower games and wouldn't you know it, my non-traditional friend and the men scored the highest! Love it!

Isn't it funny the stages of life that we all seem to go through and the noteable milestones that we each seem to hit in relatively the same order but not necessarily on the same schedule. Birth (ok, all of us hit that one on the same schedule), first day of school, 8th grade promotion, high school graduation, college graduation, graduate school, career, engagement, marriage, pet, pregnancy...and then you go through it all again with your own kids. A lot of us think we know when these milestones will hit for us but we never really know and it seems the more you plan for them the less they actually happen on your intended schedule. For example, I never would have thought that San would not only get married before me, but would also have kids before me too - I highly doubt she thought she would do those things before me either. But we can't predict when it will happen. San, I am so happy for you and Dave and I can't wait to meet precious little Lucy Coyle!
Right now I am in between the marriage and the pet milestones. Some of my friends are still in the graduate school or career stage, some are getting married and some have already moved onto the birth of their kids. We each move at a different pace and that is a-ok. I am extremely happy to be where I am and couldn't imagine it any different than my Life As a Wife.

1 comment:

Tracy said...

Did you ever put that kid down? :)