Saturday, December 6, 2008

Three Brothers

I grew up with three older brothers. Now to some that might seem like no big deal, but to me it was AWESOME! On a daily basis I thank the Lord for giving me those brothers. Every time I hear about two sisters fighting over clothes or boys or competing against each other in everything I think, "I am so glad I had those three brothers." Everytime my husband compliments me on being able to get ready quickly I think, "I am so glad those brothers did't cut me any slack." Everytime I go hunting, fishing, riding motorcycles or ATVs I think, "I am so lucky I had those three brothers to teach me about these things." I truly do feel blessed. And now that I have a husband, who grew up with only sisters, I think he too is feeling lucky to have some brothers. I also am extremely glad that my brother is now married and gave me my first sister-in-law and that my husband has two sisters so I have two more sister-in-laws, they are all three amazing and I thank the Lord for them as well!

Back to the brothers. On Thanksgiving morning, Daniel decided he was restless and wanted to go do something. We asked, "what are you going to do." He replied, "I don't know, maybe drive around, shoot some stuff." Now, please keep in mind I live in a very small town and again, grew up with three brothers, so to me that statement does not at all seem strange. Luckily, Jeff and I were invited to go with him and we indeed did get to drive around and shoot some stuff! Don't worry we didn't hit / kill anything. We also pulled quite a few e-brakes around the wet pavement corners of Warrenton. Jeff and I hadn't laughed and had that much fun in quite some time. It's those little things I love about being from a small town in Oregon. Things that those that live there probably take for granted.

During our driving around we also made a stop at my all-time favorite place in the world - The South Jetty. For those that don't know, there is a platform in Warrenton that overlooks the Pacific Ocean and the mouth of the Columbia River, and you can also see Washington. This place is not only beautiful but extremely meaningful to me. Prior to April 22, 2007 it was meaningful as it represented all that I loved and knew about my life and my hometown. My father and brothers were commercial fisherman that worked long and hard in the ocean it overlooked. I personally worked on a charter fishing boat in that same ocean and so did my grandfather. It became even more meaningful on Aprill 22, 2007 when my husband proposed to me there. That picture is of my brother and Jeff re-enacting our propsal - ha! You can also check out how excited I was right after the proposal by watching this video.

Back to the brothers. Again, I just feel so lucky to have them in my life. They loved me, they protected me, they taught me how to work hard, how to set goals and acheive them, and in an extremely non-literal statement - they taught me how to be a man. Even though it may not be a direct correlation for you, I personally think that having those three brothers better prepared me for my Life As A Wife.

1 comment:

lyndsey said...

OMG. seriously. you linked to a youtube video??? you are SO not a blog newbie anymore -- you just graduated to pro. i LOVE the are so cute. and yay for brothers :)