One of the added benefits of moving in with my husband was the amazing 50 inch flat screen and the PlayStation 3 that came along with him. As a gift for Christmas last year I bought him Rock Band. Over the past year I have started to think that the gift really should have been for me. I love Rock Band! Again, I am not a gamer, rarely do I enjoy video games, but there is just something addictive and exciting about this game. First of all, I love music. Second, although I know that playing the drums, guitar and singing along with this game have nothing to do with actually playing these instruments or singing in real life I still get a sense of satisfaction when my score comes back at 99%. I kind of feel like a rocker! Third, I love introducing new people to Rock Band, it is hillarious to see people try it out for the first time and so exciting to see them succeed! Finally, I love that it is something my husband and I can enjoy together. I have to add in that my all-time favorite commercial right now is the Rock Band 2 commercial with Kobe Bryant, Tony Hawk, Alex Rodriguez and Michael Phelps in the Tom Cruise / Risky Business moment rocking out. You have to watch it, hillarious.
So last night Jeff and I played Rock Band for two hours. He is amazing on both the drums and the guitar and I have my moments. But it seems to be one of those things that we can enjoy together and compete on somewhat of a level playing field (he kicks my butt at anything physical we try). We have a band on tour right now "Jefferson Sturpman" - yes a combination of our names and we are not very far but we will be! I love playing Rock Band with my husband, yet another fortunate thing I get to enjoy during my Life As A Wife.